Bacholar Of Technology

Top courses

Premier Selection of In-Demand Courses.

Expert instructors

Learn from our Expert Instructors.


Achieve Excellence with Recognized Certifications.

The Institute is presently offering the following courses in various branch/disciplines of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) Degree in Engineering as shown in the table below :

S. No. Course Name Total Intake Eligibility Criteria Fees Apply Now
1 Computer Science & Engineering 180 As Per State Govt Norms As Per State Govt Norms Apply Now
2 Computer Science & Engineering (AI) 60 As Per State Govt Norms As Per State Govt Norms Apply Now
3 Computer Science & Engineering (AI&ML) 60 As Per State Govt Norms As Per State Govt Norms Apply Now
4 Civil Engineering 30 As Per State Govt Norms As Per State Govt Norms Apply Now
5 Mechanical Engineering 30 As Per State Govt Norms As Per State Govt Norms Apply Now
6 Electronics & Telecommunication & Engineering 30 As Per State Govt Norms As Per State Govt Norms Apply Now
6 Electrical Engineering 30 As Per State Govt Norms As Per State Govt Norms Apply Now

All Courses (B.Tech) Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Director of Technical Education Chhattisgarh and Affiliation to Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai (CG)


Dive into the world of innovation and problem-solving with our comprehensive engineering courses, where theory meets hands-on practice to cultivate the next generation of visionary engineers


Practical and foundational, a Diploma offers technical skills and hands-on experience for entry-level careers.

Post Graduate - M.Tech

Specialized and research-oriented, M.Tech offers advanced studies and expertise for leadership and development roles.