Meet The People Who Made It Possible

Managing Director

Navigating a Dynamic Learning Expedition: Vivek Dasari's Vision for tomorrow

Vivek Dasari

Managing Director, KVGI

Welcome to a new era of education, spearheaded by our dynamic Managing Director, Vivek Dasari. A graduate from Penn State University, USA, and holding a Masters in Project Management from New York University, Vivek's global exposure enriches our institution with an international perspective. His well-traveled background expands the learning horizon, offering students a global outlook beyond textbooks. With his young and energetic aura, he captivates students with his approachable and easygoing demeanor, earning the respect of educators. His natural charisma creates an atmosphere where education becomes a thrilling journey, not just a pursuit.

Under Vivek's student-centric leadership, our institution places a strong emphasis on inclusive decision-making, valuing perspectives from students, educators, and stakeholders. His strategic vision extends beyond the present, with a focus on continuous growth and expansion.

Digital innovation lies at the heart of our approach, where Vivek champions the transformative power of technology for cutting-edge educational methods, equipping students for the demands of the digital future Simultaneously, Vivek is actively cultivating alliances within India and abroad, strategically positioning our institution as a global hub for education.

Embark on an educational journey led by Vivek Dasari, where passion, innovation, and inclusivity shape the future of learning. Taking the reins from our Chairman, Vivek inherits and expands upon the legacy with a commitment to excellence. Seamlessly blending tradition and progress, he propels our institution forward, inspired by the Chairman's foundation. Together, we inspire minds, empower excellence, and build a brighter tomorrow.


Radiant Leadership: Piloting Progress for Societal Development with Mr. Dasari Murali Krishna

Dasari Murali Krishna

Founder Chairman

Since 2002, our Institution has been sowing the seeds of education, and now they are growing into strong saplings. At Krishna Vikash, we believe that education is more than just academics; it's about nurturing the whole child. Our goal is to instill values like compassion, courage, and reliability, fostering well-balanced individuals ready for the challenges of the world. We also prioritize keeping our students engaged with learning activities, emphasizing discipline, ethics, tradition, and culture. Our schools are not just centers of learning; they are communities that foster mutual growth. Preparing students not just intellectually but also as socially responsible citizens.

In the realm of societal development, Mr. Dasari Murali Krishna stands as a visionary leader, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. Emerging from humble beginnings, his keen insight and ability to recognise social needs as opportunities for positive change, Mr. Murali Krishna seamlessly transitioned into the education and health sectors. His foresight resulted in the establishment of Krishna Vikash, an institution that empowers the youth and shapes future leaders.

A leader who leads from the front, Murali Krishna's exemplary leadership skills have driven his success, uplifting individuals and inspiring institutions for societal progress. His commitment to societal betterment extends to top-notch healthcare with Krishna Vikash Hospitals, exemplifying world-class multi-specialty facilities. This dedication is further manifested through philanthropy in the Murali Krishna Foundation, providing free education and boarding to underprivileged children, empowering them for successful placements in various professions.

As a motivational speaker and business coach, he imparts experiences and wisdom to inspire individuals. Beyond his role as a chairman, he assumes the role of a mentor, endeared by students who perceive in him a guiding light toward a brighter future. His popularity among students stems from his personal connection, sharing insights beyond the conventional, fostering inspiration and ambition. His journey is a testament to the transformative power of vision, resilience, a profound sense of social responsibility, and a deep-rooted commitment to transforming society for the greater good.

A brief overview of our staffs

Library Team

Team Member 1
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Team Member 2
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Team Member 3
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Forging Futures: A Principal's Address to Our College Board of Directors

Dr Deo Narayan Dewangan

Principal, KVIT

It is with immense gratitude and a sense of purpose that I address you today as the principal of our college. I am deeply appreciative of your ongoing support and commitment to our institution's mission of academic excellence and student success. Together, we have the privilege of shaping the educational experiences that will empower our students to become leaders and innovators of tomorrow. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, I am heartened by the dedication and expertise of our board members Your insights and strategic guidance play a crucial role in shaping the direction of our college and ensuring that we remain at the forefront of educational innovation.

Looking ahead, it is imperative that we remain proactive in addressing the evolving needs of our student body and the broader educational landscape. By staying abreast of emerging trends and best practices in education, we can adapt our programs and policies to better serve the diverse needs of our students. Additionally, I am committed to fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within our college, where faculty and staff are empowered to explore new ideas and approaches that enhance student learning and success.

In the pursuit of our shared goals, I am committed to fostering a culture of collaboration, creativity, and continuous improvement. Together, let us explore new pathways to learning, embrace innovation in teaching and learning, and empower our students to become lifelong learners and engaged citizens.

Furthermore, I am dedicated to strengthening partnerships with local businesses, community organizations, and educational institutions to expand opportunities for our students beyond the classroom. Through internships, service-learning projects, and collaborative research initiatives, we can provide our students with real-world experiences that enrich their academic journey and prepare them for success in their future careers and endeavors.


Navigating Towards Success: A Message from the Executive Director to Our College Board

Dr S N Panda

Director, KVGI

It is with great pleasure that I address you today as we embark on another pivotal chapter in the journey of our esteemed institution. As Executive Director, I am humbled by the opportunity to work alongside each of you, individuals who embody dedication, vision, and a commitment to excellence in education. Together, we stand at the helm of guiding our college towards new heights of achievement and impact.In the face of ever-evolving challenges and opportunities in the educational landscape, it is imperative that we remain steadfast in our mission to empower students and foster a dynamic learning environment that nurtures intellectual curiosity and personal growth.

As we look ahead, it is crucial that we remain adaptable and responsive to the changing needs of our students and the broader community. In an era marked by technological advancements and global interconnectedness, our college must serve as a catalyst for innovation and social change. By fostering a culture of creativity, collaboration, and lifelong learning, we can equip our students with the skills and mindset they need to thrive in the 21st century workforce.

I am deeply grateful for your unwavering support and collaboration as we navigate the complexities of higher education. Let us continue to cultivate an environment where innovation thrives, where students are inspired to reach their full potential, and where our college remains a beacon of academic excellence and community engagement.

Furthermore, I am committed to fostering a culture of transparency and accountability within our institution. Open communication and a shared sense of purpose are essential ingredients for building trust and fostering a sense of belonging among all members of our college community. By upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct, we can ensure that our institution remains a beacon of excellence and a source of pride for generations to come.

Executive Director

Empowering Change, Inspiring Growth: A Visionary Update from the Executive Director

Dr. Jawahar Surisetty

Executive Director, KVGI

It is with great pleasure and a profound sense of responsibility that I extend my sincerest gratitude for your continued guidance and support as we steer our college towards a future defined by innovation, inclusivity, and excellence. As Executive Director, I am privileged to work alongside each of you, individuals whose unwavering commitment to our institution's mission is truly inspiring. In today's rapidly changing educational landscape, our collective vision and strategic foresight are more vital than ever.Together we have an unparalleled opportunity to shape the future of higher education, to empower students with the knowledge and skills.

In the pursuit of our shared goals, it is essential that we prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work. By embracing the rich tapestry of perspectives and experiences within our college community, we can create a more vibrant and equitable learning environment where every individual feels valued and empowered to succeed. Together, we must redouble our efforts to dismantle barriers to access and opportunity, ensuring that all students have the support they need to thrive.

I am continually inspired by the dedication and expertise that each of you brings to our boardroom discussions. Your invaluable insights and unwavering commitment to our college's mission are the driving force behind our continued success. As we confront the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead, I am confident that our shared vision and collaborative spirit will propel us towards even greater achievements.

Furthermore, I am committed to fostering strategic partnerships and collaborations that enhance our college's impact and reach. By forging strong alliances with industry leaders, community organizations, and educational institutions, we can expand access to resources and opportunities for our students while amplifying our collective voice on issues of importance. Together, we can leverage our collective expertise and resources to address pressing challenges and seize emerging opportunities, positioning our college as a leader in higher education innovation.